January 16, 2018 Toledo City Council Meeting
A majority of Toledo City Council voted Tuesday to approve a special use permit for a medical marijuana dispensary at a former veterinary clinic on Sylvania Avenue in West Toledo and to accept two important grants.
Council voted 10-1 in favor of the special-use permit that will allow Glass City Alternatives LLC to operate a medical marijuana retail operation at the now-vacant building at 3203 and 3209 W. Sylvania Ave.
Council President Matt Cherry said he was pleased with the decision. “I am glad we voted to allow this dispensary, which will allow people with medical issues to use that drug instead of opioids,” Mr. Cherry said.
Councilman Rob Ludeman also lauded the vote. “I think there are some positive opportunities for people who are ill to take advantage of this as opposed to what is going on with the opioid crisis,” Mr. Ludeman said.
Councilman Tom Waniewski said he is hopeful people will look back years from now and acknowledge Toledo made the right decision on the issue.
Council Tuesday also approved accepting a $76,124 Ohio Drug Law Enforcement Fund grant for police department drug investigations and a $640,000 Ohio Department of Transportation grant for traffic signal upgrades on Monroe Street from Nantuckett to Cheltenham.
All of Council’s legislation and agendas can be found at http://toledo.oh.gov/government/city-council.