City of Toledo Neighborhood & Business Development Department’s 21st Annual Homeless Luncheon

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The city of Toledo Department of Neighborhood and Business Development will hold the annual luncheon for the homeless and under-housed from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 15 at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral Banquet Hall, 740 N. Superior St.

The luncheon is an annual event that provides a holiday turkey dinner for homeless and less fortunate people throughout the city. The luncheon is provided by the Neighborhood and Business Development Department, local retail stores, the business sector, and community partners such as homeless service providers, food banks, and food kitchens. Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral donated use of the space and provided volunteers to assist with the luncheon.

A traditional Thanksgiving style meal will be served. Participants may also visit a mobile health clinic and see health and wellness service providers for health screenings and service referrals. Paul Mitchell The School Toledo will be present to provide free haircuts and manicures.