City of Toledo and Lucas County officials continue working with Toledo Edison to Restore Power Downtown
One Government Center and the Toledo Municipal Court building are again closed today. The Toledo Police Safety Building is on generator power and open to accept reports.
Power was lost to five downtown buildings Friday, June 21 when a construction company working near Adams and Superior streets struck an underground duct bank.
911 is working for emergency calls. The city’s Engage Toledo telephone line, 419-936-2020, is also functioning.
Lucas County telephone lines across all offices are not functioning but officials are working to restore service.
City and county officials are working with Toledo Edison and Kokosing Construction Co., the company that was working near Adams and Superior, to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
All city employees working in other buildings, including police, fire, transportation, streets, parks, and public utilities, will report for regular work shifts today and continue normal operations.
There will be an update later this morning.