Free Tree Recycling Runs Through Jan. 31
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Anyone may recycle their Christmas trees for free after the holiday season by bringing them to one of five drop off locations in Toledo through Jan. 31.
The drop off sites are:
路 Jermain Park, 1720 South Cove Blvd.
路 Ravine II Park at Colorado Street and Dearborn Avenue in East Toledo
路 Detwiler Park, 4001 North Summit St.
路 Bowman Park, 4793 Jackman Rd.
路 Schneider Park, 2698 Schneider Rd.
The drop off locations will be clearly marked at each park. Trees should be cleared of all decorations, lights, bags, or other materials. All trees collected will be ground into mulch by forestry crews.