H.U.D. Awards Nearly $107M to Help End Homelessness in Ohio Including Over $3.4M in Toledo
Joined by Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson announced the availability of nearly $2.2 billion in grants to support thousands of local homeless assistance programs across the nation. In Toledo, over $3.4 million was awarded to help six local organizations effectuate 16 initiatives to reduce or prevent homelessness.
“The City of Toledo is proud of the collaboration we have with our non-profit community partners to address the needs of those experiencing homelessness in our area. These grants help us to continue to support homeless individuals and families achieve self-sufficiency,” said Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz.
HUD Continuum of Care grant funding supports a broad array of interventions designed to assist individuals and families experiencing homelessness, particularly those living in places not meant for habitation, located in sheltering programs, or at imminent risk of becoming homeless. Each year, HUD serves more than a million people through emergency shelter, transitional, and permanent housing programs.