Pothole Blitz Begins
Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz will oversee the beginning of a “pothole blitz” beginning at 9 a.m., Tuesday, Jan. 12 at the intersection of Marne and Matlack avenues.
“With the weather looking favorable, without snow expected for the next week to 10 days, we will be hitting the streets for another a pothole blitz,” Mayor Kapszukiewicz said. “This is a preemptive move in advance of our residential road repaving program that begins in the spring. There is no question that the 2021 city budget invests substantial resources into fixing residential roads, which is a major priority this year and beyond.”
Toledo crews repaired more than 78,000 potholes in 2020. In 2019, city crews filled 73,020 potholes during a six-week pothole-repair blitz – more than 20,000 above an original goal of 50,000.
Residents can continue to report potholes or other service requests through Engage Toledo any time by calling 419-936-2020, emailing us at engagetoledo@toledo.oh.gov, or using the mobile app. Engage Toledo can also receive issues reported through a mobile app for iOS or Android devices.
Pothole Blitz Begins###