Unimproved Streets News Conference
Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz will hold a news conference at 10 a.m., Monday, April 26 at Rochelle Road and Bapst Avenue to kick off the repaving of the first unimproved street to be fixed during the 2021 residential road repaving program.
“The 2021 roads program is historic not just because of the amount of resurfacing and repair it will accomplish, but also because it will include unimproved streets too,” Mayor Kapszukiewicz said. “In the past, resurfacing was limited to just improved streets, which unfairly excluded the roughly 15 percent of Toledo streets that lack curbs and sewers. Thanks to the Toledo Roads Levy passed last year, now all Toledo streets have the opportunity to be properly resurfaced, which will help make every neighborhood in Toledo stronger and more livable.”
Rochelle Road will be repaved from Bapst Avenue to Dorr Street. The list of streets scheduled to be repaved or reconstructed this year is posted at toledo.oh.gov/roads.
Members of the media are asked to wear face coverings during the news conference. The news conference will be streamed live on the City of Toledo Facebook page.
WHO: Mayor Kapszukiewicz, other city officials
WHAT: News Conference
WHEN: 10 a.m., Monday, April 26
WHERE: Rochelle Road and Bapst Avenue