Ozone Action Season Begins
Ozone Action Season is an awareness campaign focused on what actions the public could take on a day to reduce ozone levels.
From the end of April through September, the Division of Environmental Services will provide ozone forecasts predicting one of four levels of air quality conditions: Good, Satisfactory, Precautionary Measures Should be Taken by Sensitive Groups, and Caution. Forecasts of ozone levels will be made available at least twice each week, or more often during periods of unusual weather conditions.
Please send an email to ENV.INFORMATION@toledo.oh.gov if you would like to be included on or removed from the ozone forecast email list.
The Division of Environmental Services and TMACOG strongly urge area businesses and residents to take proper precautions to reduce hydrocarbon emissions - the cause of high ozone levels. This can be done through the following ways:
- Carpool, use public transportation, bike or walk whenever possible
- Refuel vehicles after dark
- Conserve energy - at home, at work, everywhere
- Use environmentally safe paints and cleaning products whenever possible
Ground level ozone is a lung irritant and can be especially dangerous to those with respiratory conditions—children, the elderly, and those who do a lot of outdoor exercise.