Electricity rates are changing, but you have options. Toledo Edison's parent company, FirstEnergy, recently announced the final supply auction results for the June 2023-May 2024 electric delivery year. Starting in June 2023, the utility default supply rate, also known as the price to compare, for Toledo Edison residential and small commercial customers will be over $0.12 per kWh. This is double the current utility generation supply rate from May.
But here's the good news: you don't have to settle for these rates. Your community operates its own aggregation program in collaboration with 14 other local communities, forming the Northwest Ohio Aggregation Coalition (NOAC). NOAC selected Energy Harbor to provide low fixed rates for residents and small businesses. With Energy Harbor as the electric aggregation provider, the fixed supply rate is $0.063 per kWh from June 2022 through May 2025.
Join the NOAC
Check your current enrollment
Residents and small business were automatically enrolled in the aggregation program in June 2022, so unless you have opted out, you may already be seeing the locked in rates on your bill. If your recent Toledo Edison bill looks like this, you're already enrolled in NOAC and no further action is required.

Check your eligibility
If you have not chosen a third-party supplier and are served under the Toledo Edison default supply rate, you may still be able to participate in the electric aggregation program.
If you are currently being served by a third-party supplier, review the terms of your current agreement listed on your bill or call your supplier to ask about the terms. Some suppliers charge early termination fees for switching mid-contract.
Visit Energy Harbor's website to find more information about program eligibility criteria or call Energy Harbor directly at 1-800-254-6359.
Enroll by phone
Once you have determined your eligibility, you can call 1-866-636-3749 to enroll by phone. The deadline to enroll in the aggregation program for the next two years is deadline date, 2023.
Be sure to mention your community aggregation program when choosing a supply rate. Energy Harbor reviews each opt-in request to participate in the NOAC program to confirm your eligibility. If you are ineligible, Energy Harbor will notify you via email or mail to your service address.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible for the NOAC Program?
Residential and non-mercantile business accounts served on the RS/GS rate classification located within the program boundaries in:
- Cities of Maumee, Northwood, Oregon, Perrysburg, Rossford, Sylvania, Toledo, and Waterville
- Villages of Delta, Holland, Ottawa Hills, and Walbridge
- Lake and Perrysburg Townships in Wood County and the unincorporated areas of Lucas County
Who is not eligible for the NOAC Program?
- Non-residential accounts not at secondary voltage
- Non-residential accounts consuming more than 700,000 kWh annually
- Non-residential accounts with monthly demand exceeding 200 kWh
- PIPP (percentage of income payment plan) customers
- Lighting accounts
- Customers with a special contract with their utility
- Customers outside the program boundaries
What if a lower rate becomes available before May 2025?
You are not obligated to stay with Energy Harbor for the entire term. If a lower rate becomes available, you can opt-out of the NOAC program by submitting the opt-out reply form mailed to your address within 30 days of receipt, filling out Energy Harbor's online opt-out form, or calling Energy Harbor at 1-800-254-6359. Leaving the NOAC program prior to May 2025 incurs no fees.