Location: 915 Collingwood Blvd.
More informaiton: learn more
Date: Saturday, August 19, 2023
Time: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Established in 2004 and having a presence in more than 16 cities The National African American Male Wellness Walk (NAAMWW) provides a 5k walk and run as an awareness campaign addressing the need for black men to live longer from preventable diseases. The heartbeat of each walk initiative is our health screenings where we have partners screen for blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol, HIV, STD/STI, and prostate cancer for men who may not be seeing the doctor regularly. Join us August 20 to riase awareness for mens health and wellbeing.Afterward, there will be food trucks, bouncy houses, face painting, resource tables and more!