2019 Greater Toledo Lake Erie Clear Choices, Clean Water Campaign News Conference
Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz will hold a news conference at 10 a.m., Monday, April 15 at the Toledo Environmental Services Division, Quilter Environmental Center, 348 South Erie St. to kick off the 2019 Greater Toledo Lake Erie Clear Choices, Clean Water Campaign, which is sponsored by the city and other partners.
The campaign encourages everyone to play an active role in improving water quality in the Toledo region. The goal of the campaign is to increase community awareness of water quality issues and encourage actions that can address those issues.
The web site to participate in the campaign is: http://toledolakeerie.clearchoicescleanwater.org/.
WHO: Mayor Kapszukiewicz, other city representatives
WHAT: News Conference
WHEN: 10 a.m., Monday, April 15
WHERE: Quilter Environmental Center, 348 South Erie St.