Kapszukiewicz Administration Proposes Balanced Budget that Invests in Roads, Public Safety
Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz introduced the 2021 operating and CIP budgets to Toledo City Council yesterday.
The budgets continue to place a high priority on police and fire services, and also make historic investments in residential road repair.
“A budget is always a statement of the things we value,” Mayor Kapszukiewicz said. “These budgets demonstrate the high value we place on police, fire, road repair, and other basic services.”
The proposed budget revenues and expenditures total approximately $839 million, with a general fund budget of approximately $283 million.
Following voter approval of Issue 4, the budget appropriates $19.2 million for residential road repair – a five-fold increase over what the city budgeted in 2020. The budget also includes funding for a 50-member fire class and a 31-member police class.
“One of the reasons that Toledo has been able to keep its positive momentum, even during the COVID-19 pandemic, is that we have always invested in the programs and services that are important to the residents of Toledo,” the mayor said. “This budget continues that pattern and positions us for future growth.”
The budget and department performance plans align with the city’s five strategic priorities, and include performance metrics to ensure continuous improvement in service delivery. The strategic priorities are:
Basic Services: Provide basic services to residents in an effective and efficient manner.
- Environment: Ensure all of our environmental resources, major equipment, and infrastructure are efficient and sustainable for long-term viability.
- Quality Investments: Make investments that improve the quality of life for all people who live, work, and play in Toledo.
- Customer Service: Employees take pride in providing excellent services to our residents.
- Workplace Culture: Employees feel connected, valued, and appreciated.
The Kapszukiewicz administration values transparency, accountability, and equitable investments in all neighborhoods.
“While 2020 has proven to be a challenging year, I am proud of our many accomplishments,” Mayor Kapszukiewicz said. “Our budget discipline in 2018 and 2019 helped to cushion the blow of 2020. We used our CARES Act funding to stabilize small businesses and residents by providing grants, rental, and mortgage assistance to our residents as they navigate the financial impact of the pandemic. In addition to short term assistance, our 2020 initiatives, programs, and activities will have long term impact on moving our community forward.”
The proposed budget can be found at toledo.oh.gov/2021-budget.