From Redlining to Green Streets
To capitalize on the momentum of the Uptown and Junction neighborhoods of Toledo, Ohio, Connecting Toledo Neighborhoods to Opportunity (CTNO) will install pedestrian amenities, expand bicycle infrastructure, create complete streets, optimize parking, and support the region’s reinvention of its mass transit. The project ties together placemaking efforts with vibrant streetscapes and it makes key connections in Toledo’s fragmented active transportation networks.
Increasing pedestrian safety, ensuring sustainability, and improving quality of life in Toledo's upcoming Social Innovation District.
Project NarrativeAppendix A
Support Letters and Letters of Commitment
Appendix B
Benefit Cost Analysis Detailed Spreadsheet
Appendix C
City of Toledo Funding Commitment Letter
Complete Streets Definition Policy Goal Toledo Ordinance 656-10
DoT Project Area Pavement Condition Ratings
TMACOG Toledo Crashes for 2017-2021
Planning Documents
2014 Toledo Lucas County Sustainability Plan
2016-2020 Toledo Lucas County Public Library Strategic Plan
2017 Downtown Toledo Master Plan
2018-2021 Lucas County Community Health Improvement Plan
2020 Downtown Toledo Transportation Study
2021 Toledo Museum of Art Strategic Plan
2021 Toledo Region CEDS Report
2021 Transforming TARTA Strategic Plan
2022 Active Transportation Plan DRAFT
2022 Toledo Social Innovation District Framework Plan