Make the Most of the Snow

Bundle up and head outside to show off your creativity! Whether it's a traditional snowman, a frozen fortress, or an abstract snow sculpture, we want to see what you can create! Submit your creation to our city-wide contest by Sunday, January 29.

Can’t get outside? Get creative indoors and build your creation out of cotton balls, tissues, marshmallows, or whatever you like.

Contest Instructions

Build It

Build your snow sculpture somewhere in the city of Toledo, like your backyard or neighborhood park. Bonus points for entires built in a city park!

Can’t get outside? Get creative indoors and build your creation out of cotton balls, tissues, marshmallows, or whatever you like. Same contest categories apply!

Submit It

Take a photo of your creation and submit your entry on social media!


Comment your photo under our #LetItSnowMan post.

Instagram or Twitter

Direct message your submission to the City of Toledo account.

Share It

Take a photo of your creation! Share it on social media with the hashtag #LetItSnowMan and be sure to tag the City of Toledo.

2023 Entries