Whitechapel Rd. between Heatherdowns and Larkhall has been selected to be part of a pilot program to test the effectiveness of chicanes as a traffic calming device in the neighborhood as a part of the our Vision Zero plan.

Vision Zero is a philosophy that emphasizes road safety for all users and aims to completely eliminate roadway fatalities. The goal is to create a road that is a safer place for kids to play, neighbors to walk their dogs, and bike riders to travel. As drivers acclimate to the change, we hope to see a reduction in speed along this section of Whitechapel.

More about Vision Zero

About Chicanes

Chicanes are a series of two or three curb bulbs placed on alternating sides of the road that are similar in size to a parked car. Having to navigate additional turns in the road makes drivers slow down and maneuver the curves one vehicle at a time.

Chicane Info Sheet

Project Background

The City of Toledo has received a number of complaints from neighbors about speeding on Whitechapel. Last fall, neighbors submitted a petition for speed humps, unfortunately, the road doesn’t meet the minimum requirements to be eligible for speed humps. The road was selected for this pilot program to address the speeding concerns with this new type of traffic calming measure.

About the Pilot

The white poles you see now are a temporary installation, meant to inexpensively help the city measure the effect of the project. If the project proves to be successful in that, the permanent installation will take place next year.

Speeding on Whitechapel

Drivers drive at the speed that feels most comfortable on any given road. Wide, straight, and open roads make drivers more comfortable with driving fast - regardless of the speed limit.

Whitechapel serves as a main entry point to and a collector street for the neighborhood. Between Heatherdowns and Larkhall where the project is taking place, the 85% speed is 31 mph. This means that 15% of cars are traveling faster than 31 mph. With average daily traffic of 667 vehicles, that's 100 cars a day traveling well above safe speeds.

By narrowing roads or introducing obstacles that cause drivers to maneuver around them, we can slow drivers down quite effectively, more effectively than simply changing the speed limit.

Speed is Deadly

Speed is a deadly factor in car crashes. A pedestrian hit by a driver at 40mph per hour has only a 20% chance of survival, whereas a pedestrian hit at 20mph has a 90% chance of surviving the crash. Traffic calming measures, like chicanes, are designed to slow cars down to make crashes less dangerous.

Download Safety over Speed Fact Sheet

What Neighbors Should Know

Parking may be affected by the placement of the chicanes, but parking is still permitted along the street.

You might see equipment used to monitor traffic installed including rubber hoses across the road, traffic cameras, or city vehicles. We will be collecting data over the course of the pilot.

Travel at the speed you feel comfortable driving through the chicanes and yield to traffic already in the chicane.

At the end of the study, you will receive a postcard in the mail with a survey to get your feedback on the chicanes. This will help us decide if the changes should be permanent.

We will keep you informed over the course of the project, as well as share the results of the pilot once it concludes.