Category Progress
Project Status
Status | Project | In Development | Total Programmed |
 | Wayman Palmer YMCA | 19,000,000 | $19,000,000 |
 | Recreation Facilities and Playgrounds | $4,815,000 | $12,000,000 |
 | Youth and Recreational Programming | $2,500,000 | $6,500,000 |
 | Universal Pre-K Program | $1,250,000 | $2,500,000 |
 | Resource Center at Glass City Metropark | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 |
Legislative History
Recreation Facilities and Playgrounds (3/15/22)
Youth and Recreational Programming (3/29/22)
Universal Pre-K Program (5/10/22)
Youth and Recreational Programming (9/13/22)
Resource Center at Glass City Metropark (9/13/22)
Wayman Palmer YMCA (11/9/22)