Calling All Toledoans: Let's Be Good Neighbors Together
The City of Toledo and the Human Relations Commission recently launched the "Good Neighbor" initiative with an invitation to residents to take the “Welcome In My Backyard” (WIMBY) pledge. The pledge is a way for residents to affirm their support for diversity in our community.
Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz expressed excitement about the launch of WIMBY and hopes that Toledo will continue to be known as a city that is open and welcoming to all communities.
“When people can appreciate what makes each other different and begin to understand those from different walks of life, it creates an opportunity for personal growth and strengthens our relationships as neighbors,” said Mayor Kapszukiewicz.
Human Relations Commission Chair Erin Baker encouraged residents to show their support for the campaign by proudly displaying WIMBY yard signs and stickers, which are available to those who take the pledge.
“Another way to engage in this campaign is to attend events put on the Human Relations Commission that celebrate diversity, such as our upcoming Human Library event,” said Baker.
Baker announced that following a successful inaugural event in 2022, the second Human Library event will be held Saturday, April 15 from 12 – 3 p.m. at the Main Branch Library.
The event will feature over 20 Toledo residents as “books” to be checked out by attendees. The speakers will share their stories and encourage participants to “unjudge” them, or address preconceived notions about an aspect of their identity.
To join the fight against discrimination and promote diversity, take the WIMBY pledge at
To see details about the Human Library event, visit
The City of Toledo and the Human Relations Commission are committed to fostering inclusive communities where everyone feels welcomed and valued.
Take the Pledge
Welcome in my Backyard
The pledge is a way for residents to affirm their support for diversity in our community.